The officials of Arabsat network held a meeting last week with Ahmad Sadaat, the director of Iran's Al Alam network and agreed to compensate for taking the Iranian Arabic language network off the air.
Speaking to Khabar online, Sadaat pointed out: "Through their correspondences with us, the officials of Arabsat institute expressed their interest to hold a meeting in another country not Iran, but finally we persuaded them to negotiate with us in our country."
He added that currently Al Alam programs are aired for Arabic language audiences. On Al Alam drop by Egyptian Nilesat network Sadaat also said: "Nowadays the institute is put under pressure by public opinion, media experts and a number of lawmakers in Egypt for the act."
The Saudi-based network and Nilesat stopped broadcasting Al Alam programs in early November. The decision was made at a meeting of Arabian countries media ministers. The officials of the two networks claimed that the Iranian international network has breached their contract. They said that Al Alam hosts several opposition figures who have spread accusations and baseless statements against the leaders of Arabian countries in the Persian Gulf. They were also unsatisfied with the coverage of Yemen internal conflict by Iranian Arabic language network.
The Arabian countries which voted to stop broadcasting Al Alam included Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, Palestinian self-rule government, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.